Thursday, November 7, 2013

Help the Active Living Alliance's Strategic Planning By Taking This Survey

In anticipation of celebrating 25 years in 2014, the Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability (ALACD) will be engaging active living, sport and  recreation leaders in a series of conversations on the quality of programs and services for Canadians with a disability. Thank you to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for supporting this important process.
As a progressive organization, the ALACD is undergoing a strategic planning process to identify the goals it wants to achieve over the next four years. An important aspect of this includes engaging Canadians and partner organizations through a national survey, webinars, interviews, and a national workshop.
ALACD would like to hear from you. We have developed 4 separate surveys.  Please choose the most appropriate one for your use. (Person with a disability, Sport  Organization, Active Ling Organization, Education Sector). The survey will take only  10-15 minutes to complete. Your responses, along with the findings from interviews and focus groups, will be analyzed and presented in a series of reports that will help guide the strategic future of ALACD. We want your opinion in a number of different areas. Your responses will be anonymous and all of the questions are optional. We also encourage you to distribute the survey through your networks.
 Survey close date is December 6, 2013.
Active Living Organizations English -
Active Living Organizations French -
Sport Organizations French -
Education Sector French -
Persons with Disabilities English -
Persons with Disabilities French -
Thank you in advance,

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